Flames of War


Panther (Late) Tank Platoon (GBX181)

Panther (Late) Tank Platoon (GBX181)

Panther (Late) Tank Platoon (GBX181)
Includes five Plastic Panther (Late 7.5cm) Tanks or Jagdpanther (8.8cm) Tank-hunters and one Decal Sheet.

The Panther G is the latest model of the famed Panther tank. The new model has thicker armour and retains the long-barrelled 7.5cm KwK42 gun, which can still penetrate any Allied tank in existence. The balance of an excellent gun, good armour, and good mobility makes the Panther one of the best tanks of the war.

Check out the Panther (Late) Tank Platoon in the online store here...

Bulge: German
In early December 1944 it seemed to the Americans in the Ardennes forests to be unlikely that the Germans would attack. On 16 December that illusion was shattered when the might of German Sixth Panzer Army smashed into the thinly-held US lines. The Germans led the assault with elite units of 1. SS Panzerdivision, 2. Panzerdivision and Panzer Lehr. More was to come. On 31 December Hitler launched the last German offensive in the west, Operation Nordwind. German divisions along the Lorraine front attacked into the old French Maginot Line where the Americans had dug in. With many of their reserves sent north to face the Ardennes offensive, the Americans were taken by surprise.
Panther (Late) Tank Platoon (GBX181)

Panther (Late) Tank Platoon (GBX181) Panther (Late) Tank Platoon (GBX181)
Panther (Late) Tank Platoon (GBX181) Panther (Late) Tank Platoon (GBX181)
Panther (Late) Tank Platoon (GBX181)  Panther (Late) Tank Platoon (GBX181)
Panther (Late) Tank Platoon (GBX181) Panther (Late) Tank Platoon (GBX181) 
Contact the customer service team at [email protected] if you have issues with any components.
Plastic Panther (Late) / Jagdpanther Sprue (x5)
Panther (Late) Tank Platoon (GBX181)
Panther (Late) Tank Platoon (GBX181)
Panzer Decal Sheet (x1) Tank Commander Sprue (x1)
Panther (Late) Tank Platoon (GBX181) Panther (Late) Tank Platoon (GBX181)
Panther (Late) Tank Platoon (GBX181)