Flames of War


Tiger (P) Heavy Tank Platoon (GBX189)

Tiger (P) Heavy Tank Platoon (GBX189)

Tiger (P) Heavy Tank Platoon (GBX189)
includes two Tiger (P) (8,8cm) Tanks.

The Tiger (P) was scheduled to be sent to Africa where their air-cooled engines were seen as better suited to the hot and dusty conditions. If their electric transmissions had worked, the first five Tiger (P) tanks would have arrived in Africa as the Second Battle of El Alamein began. Like the Henschel-designed Tiger, Porsche's Tiger (P) mounted the deadly '88', equally capable against tanks, guns, and dug-in infantry. The Tiger (P) used a sophisticated petrol-electric transmission. This gave it an incredible ability to go almost anywhere. However, it was somewhat unreliable, limiting the practical top speed.

Check out the Tiger (P) Heavy Tank Platoon in the online store here...

North Africa: Mid-war Forces
The war in the Western Desert of Egypt is the focus of the ‘Desert Rats’ of the British Army and its allies as the third year of the war draws to a close. Here they fight General Rommel, the legendary ‘Desert Fox’ with his Afrika Korps and its Italian allies. As this heroic struggle plays out, the US Army enters the fray for the first time, landing in Algeria and Morocco behind Rommel’s forces. Trapped between two foes the Desert Fox does the only thing possible, he attacks!
Tiger (P) Heavy Tank Platoon (GBX189) Tiger (P) Heavy Tank Platoon (GBX189)
Tiger (P) Heavy Tank Platoon (GBX189) Tiger (P) Heavy Tank Platoon (GBX189)
Tiger (P) Heavy Tank Platoon (GBX189) Tiger (P) Heavy Tank Platoon (GBX189)
Tiger (P) Heavy Tank Platoon (GBX189) Tiger (P) Heavy Tank Platoon (GBX189)
Tiger (P) Heavy Tank Platoon (GBX189) Tiger (P) Heavy Tank Platoon (GBX189)
Contact the customer service team at [email protected] if you have issues with any components.
Tiger (P) Heavy Tank Platoon (GBX189)

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Tiger (P) Heavy Tank Platoon (GBX189) Tiger (P) Heavy Tank Platoon (GBX189)
Tiger (P) Heavy Tank Platoon (GBX189)