Flames of War


Assembling the T14 Armoured Assault Troop

Assembling T14 Armoured Assault Troop

Assembling T14 Armoured Assault Troop

How to assemble your T14 Armoured Assault Troop

Check out the T14 Armoured Assault Troop spotlight here...

Step 1. Begin by attaching the left and right side tracks to the main hull. Note that the track covers face foward on the tank.
Assembling T14 Armoured Assault Troop Assembling T14 Armoured Assault Troop Assembling T14 Armoured Assault Troop 
 Step 2. We will now build the turret. Attach the gun to the turret in the location shown below.  Step 3. Now attach the machine-gun and the two hattches to the turret in the locations indicated Below: The completed T14 tank.
 Assembling T14 Armoured Assault Troop Assembling T14 Armoured Assault Troop   Assembling T14 Armoured Assault Troop