Flames of War


50 Point Tournament Malaysia

Panzer Kampfgruppe Khairul Completed

50 Point Tournament Malaysia 
with Khairul 

By now everyone has completed painting 50 points of their force. It was now time to teach our young commanders how to play the game. And the best way to learn is to dive right in, shoot and get shot at.

I held a one session boot camp to explain the Turn Sequence – Starting step, Movement and Shooting. I skipped on the Assault phase as no one had painted up their infantry teams yet. Plus for their first few games some basic tank on tank shooting would be best.

Five games were played so far and this is how everyone stands at.


Ranking Player Games Win Loss Points
1 Farahin 2 2 0 15
2 Hazizul 2 1 1 9
3 Khairul 2 1 1 9
4 Zulhadzrin 2 1 1 8
5 Aiman 1 0 1 2
6 Tarmizi 1 0 1 2

Farahin is sitting pretty at the top with 15 points from 2 wins. She managed to lead her American Force to a major victory over Hazizul. Then followed it up with a stunning victory over Zulhadrin’s Soviet Force, which did not stand any chance against her Sherman 76s and M10 tank destroyers. She is the only player still undefeated. Let’s see how long she can maintain this.

Everyone had fun and enjoyed their first experience playing Flames of War. FoW definitely a concise and easy to understand game system, which makes it very easy and fun to teach. The unit cards are super helpful for new players and make the game move along faster as stats are within easy reach.

Next up will be full 100 points games!


50 point games
games games
games games

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