Flames of War


Lorenzo's Rams (ITAB02)

Lorenzo's Rams (ITAB02)

Lorenzo's Rams - Army Deal (ITAB02)
Contains eight plastic M14/41 or Semovente tanks, four plastic 100mm Howitzers, two plastic tank commander sprues, two decal sheets, nine unit cards, four One Million Bayonets Dice one mini Flames of War rule book and one printed Assembly Guide.

Lorenzo's Ram is a mix of tanks and artillery containing the light M14/41 armed to take on infantry and light tanks, the harder punching Semovente tanks maned by their courageous Italian crews and both supported by the elite Italian artillery using 100mm Howitzers. With fierce determination the Italians are ready to take on what the Allies have to throw at them. 

Check out Lorenzo's Rams - Army Deal in the Online Store...

The Italians learned about modern warfare the hard way in 1940. Now they are back, showing the world what the Italian soldier can do. Fighting under the famous ‘Desert Fox’, General Rommel, they form a crucial part of the Italian-German Panzer Army. Tough, determined, skilled, and aggressive veterans, the Italians broke through the British Gazala Line to save the trapped German Afrika Korps, held the line at El Alamein, and opened the way at Kasserine Pass, before holding up the American offensive at El Guettar. Fight or die for the new Roman Empire!

Click here to find out more about Avanti...

Avanti: Italian Forces In North Africa 1942-43 
Lorenzo's Rams (ITAB02)

Lorenzo's Rams (ITAB02)

The 14-tonne M14/41 tank of 1941 was an upgrade of the older M13/40, featuring a more powerful engine fitted with sand filters. Despite its armour and armament remaining somewhat inadequate, the carristi manning these tanks did their duty and fought bravely against any odds.

While the M14/41 is outclassed in tank-versus tank fighting, it is an excellent weapon against enemy infantry. It has plenty of machine-gun firepower to keep the enemy pinned down while it moves into position, and an effective highexplosive round for engaging anti-tank guns.

Italy was quick to follow Germany’s lead in creating assault guns mounting large guns in turretless self-propelled mountings. The first of these, the Semovente (semovente meaning selfpropelled), mounted the 75/18 short (L/18) 75mm howitzer on the chassis of the M14/41 tank. Not only did the Semovente mount a bigger gun, it was also more heavily armoured, thanks to no longer needing a turret.

Although initially intended as a close-support artillery piece, the fact that the Semovente carried a bigger gun than the tanks it supported quickly led to its use as a tank-destroyer, and then as a tank in its own right.

By the time of the Tunisian fighting, the Semovente made up approximately half of the Italian armoured force in theatre, giving them significantly greater punch than in earlier battles in the desert..

Lorenzo's Rams (ITAB02)

Lorenzo's Rams (ITAB02)

The 100/17 howitzer is an Austrian design for a short (L/17) 100mm howitzer dating back to the First World War. However, it's still an effective weapon in skilled hands. Firing a modernised 13.8kg (30.4 lb) shell, it had a greater punch than the British 25 pdr gun.

The 100mm howitzer has the range to drop an artillery bombardment wherever needed on the battlefield. It has the calibre to deliver enough explosive to dig infantry and guns out of their fortifications.

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Flames Of War 4th Edition Mini Rulebook (x1)
Lorenzo's Rams (ITAB02)
Plastic M14/41 / Semovente Sprue (x8)
Lorenzo's Rams (ITAB02)
Plastic 100mm Howitzer Sprue (x4)
Lorenzo's Rams (ITAB02)
Dice (x1)
Italian AT Gun Platoon (IBX18)
Plastic Gun Crew Sprue (x2) M14/41 / Semovente Decal Sheet (x1)
Lorenzo's Rams (ITAB02) Lorenzo's Rams (ITAB02)
Unit Cards
Avanti Force (x1) Movement Orders (x1)
Lorenzo's Rams (ITAB02) Lorenzo's Rams (ITAB02)
M14/41 HQ (x1) M14/41 Tank Platoon (x2)
Lorenzo's Rams (ITAB02) Lorenzo's Rams (ITAB02)
Semovente (x2) 100mm Howitzer Battery (x1)
Lorenzo's Rams (ITAB02) Lorenzo's Rams (ITAB02)
AB41 OP (x1)
Lorenzo's Rams (ITAB02)
Click here to learn how to assemble the M14/41...  Click here to learn how to assemble the Semovente... Click here to learn how to assemble the 100MM Howitzer...
Click here to learn how to assemble the M14/41... Click here to learn how to assemble the Semovente... Click here to learn how to assemble the 100MM Howitzer...