Flames of War


Patton's Fighting First (USAB08)

Patton's Fighting First (USAB08)

Patton's Fighting First - Army Deal (USAB08)
Contains five plastic M4 Sherman Tanks, three plastic M3 Stuart Tanks, two plastic M10 Tanks, three plastic tank commander sprues, three decal sheets, six unit cards, one mini Flames of War rule book and one printed Assembly Guide.

Patton's Fighting First is a completely mechanized army deal that covers all the bases with three Stuarts ready to dash ahead and cause some trouble, five Shermans that forum the solid and dependable core, and a pair of M10 tank destroyers that can keep German Panzers honest.

Check out Patton's Fighting First - Army Deal in the Online Store...

The Allies have the fascists on the run in North Africa, but the fight is not over yet. The United States is the newest army to enter the war. They boast some of the best tanks in the world, backed up by well-equipped infantry, either marching to battle on foot or riding in half-tracks, and the latest deadly tank destroyers. Their troops are inexperienced, but they have trained hard and are eager to prove themselves. They will need to learn quickly, as they face a cunning and battle-hardened enemy.

Click here to find out more about Fighting First...

Fighting First: US Forces In North Africa 1942-43 
Patton's Fighting First (USAB08)

Patton's Fighting First (USAB08)

The M4 Medium Tank—best known by the nickname ‘Sherman’ given to it by the British—is the most famous American tank, operated in
large numbers by the US and their allies across all theatres. Over the course of the war there will be numerous variants, changing the engine and suspension, adding more armour and bigger guns, but all with the same tall, solid shape.

The M4A1 model, recognisable by its distinctive rounded single-piece cast upper hull, is the first Sherman variant to enter combat with the US armored forces. Most of the initial production run of the original M4 variant, with its sharpsided welded upper hull, were supplied to the British through the Lend-Lease programme.

As well as serving with US armored divisions in the light battalions of the armored regiments, thousands of M3 Light Tanks were supplied to Britain and the Soviet Union. The British codenamed the tank ‘General Stuart’, after the famous American Civil War cavalry commander, and the name caught on with US troops as well.

The M3 Stuart was mechanically reliable, and even though it had lighter armor and a smaller gun than the latest German panzers, its small size and high speed made it well suited to probing enemy defences and fighting a free-wheeling and tactical style of moving battle.

Patton's Fighting First (USAB08)

Patton's Fighting First (USAB08)

The most potent weapon the US Army has in Tunisia for dealing with enemy tanks is the M10 tank destroyer, officially named the M10 3-inch Gun Motor Carriage. It has one job: to stalk and destroy enemy tanks, breaking up the focused armoured attacks for which the German panzer
divisions have become famous.

Contact the customer service team at [email protected] if you have issues with any components.
Flames Of War 4th Edition Mini Rulebook (x1)
Patton's Fighting First (USAB08)
Plastic M4 Sherman Sprue (x5)
Patton's Fighting First (USAB08)
Plastic M3 Stuart Sprue (x3)
Patton's Fighting First (USAB08)
Plastic M10 Sprue (x2)
Patton's Fighting First (USAB08)
Plastic Tank Commander Sprue (x3) M4 Sherman Decal Sheet (x1)
Patton's Fighting First (USAB08) Patton's Fighting First (USAB08)
M10 Decal Sheet (x1) M3 Stuart Decal Sheet (x1)
Patton's Fighting First (USAB08) Patton's Fighting First (USAB08)
Unit Cards
Fighting First (x1) Movement Orders (x1)
Patton's Fighting First (USAB08) Patton's Fighting First (USAB08)
M3 Stuart (x1) M4 Sherman HQ (x1)
Patton's Fighting First (USAB08) Patton's Fighting First (USAB08)
M4 Sherman (x1) M10 3-Inch (x1)
Patton's Fighting First (USAB08) Patton's Fighting First (USAB08)
Click here to learn how to assemble the Sherman...  Click here to learn how to assemble the Stuart... Click here to learn how to assemble the M10...
Click here to learn how to assemble the Panzer III... Click here to learn how to assemble the Panzer IV... Click here to learn how to assemble the 8.8cm...