Flames of War


Assembling The Humber

Battle of El Alamein: War in the Desert

El Alamein is your introduction to the exciting world of Flames Of War, the world’s most popular World War II miniatures game.

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Step 1. Begin assembly of the Humber by attaching the left-hand wheels to the hull. Step 2. Next, attach the right-hand side wheels.
Below: The right-hand side wheels in place. 
Step 3. Mount the spare wheel to the front of the hull. 
Step 4. Affix the gun to the turret. 
Step 5. Attach your choice of hatch. 
Note: Both a closed and open hatch are included. Below: Open hatch in place. 
Step 6. Position a commander in the turret opening.
Step 6. Mount the turret assembly to the hull.
Below: A fully assembled Humber.