Flames of War


2011 US Masters Player Profile: Eric Warren

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2011 US Masters Player Profiles:
Eric Warren

In series of articles, we will be profiling the players who took part in the 2011 US Masters held in Philadelphia.

See all result from the 2011 US Masters here...
Player Profile
Name: Eric Warren.
Hometown: Houston, TX.
Current city and state:
Houston, TX..
College or University: Vanderbilt University.
Favorite Movie:
I should probably say A Bridge Too Far, but really, it’s Star Wars.
Favorite Historical Period: World War Two.

Army Lists: Eric's German Panzer Lehr Panzergrenadierkompanie...
Eric Warren
US Rankings HQ Statistics (as of 1/12/11)
ID Number
Tournament Results For the Last 12 Months
Tournament Name
Number of Players
Points Earnt
Flames Of War Masters
United States
United States 37
United Kingdom
Late War Nationals United States
LW March Qualifier
United States 16 United Kingdom
Player Interview
Battlefront: What is your favorite Flames Of War army to play?
Eric Warren: Panzer Lehr - Panzer Spah or Panzergrenadiers.
BF: Why? 
EW: They include all my favorites, mechanised infantry, armored cars, Panthers, and they can compete.
BF: What is your favorite Flames Of War time period?
EW: Late-war.
BF: Why? 
Getting into the desert with Hellfire and Back and really liking the look of it. Basing and terrain modeling is so much easier for the desert.
BF: What is your favorite World War II battle or operation?
EW: Normandy.

BF: Why?
EW: It’s the part I know the most about because you can read about company and battalion level actions rather than a bunch of boring stuff about corps and armies moving here and there.

Below: Eric's Panzer Lehr at the US Masters.
Eric's Panzer Lehr at the US Masters
BF: What is your favorite part of the hobby? (Painting, playing, historical research, collecting, assembling, etc.)
EW: Playing first, painting second.
BF: Why do you attend tournaments?
EW: I am really competitive, and I love to watch the battles unfold while hanging out with guys who like the same stuff.

BF: Your tournament mantra?
EW: Mantra? Really?
BF: What is your favorite type of tournament? (Points, theme, time period, style, etc.)
EW: A really good theme is the best, but only if it’s balanced.
BF: What are some of the most competitive armies to play?
EW: Seems like British Rifle Company with Crocs, Tankovy, and German IINO are the most popular “power” lists.  My real nemesis is the US Sherman horde though.
BF: What is your favorite platoon type?
EW: Everyone will say it’s Panthers, but really it’s recce. Pumas and British Stuarts are just awesome.

BF: What are your general tactics that you use almost every game?
Read the terrain, economy of force, and hit their scissors with your rocks.
BF: What army are you bringing to the Masters?
EW: Panzer Lehr (Armor or Panzergrenadiers, still deciding)
BF: Why?
EW: I haven’t played anything else in a long time other than Irish Guards and I just started with that.
Eric's Panzer Lehr at the US Masters
BF: What mission are you dreading the most?
EW: Breakout and Hasty Assault.
BF: What mission do you excel at the most?
EW: Attacking in Fighting Withdrawal.
BF: What points level do you like and dislike based on your army selection?
EW: Dislike the 1000 point and 2000 points levels but like 1650 points.
Eric's Panzer Lehr at the US Masters
BF: Why?
EW: 1000 points is the worst for quality troops and there are armies that can just roll you. The middle points are good – 1650 is probably the best. 2000 is so much that Lehr’s weaknesses really start to show. Lack of air is one of them.  I will just add more Panthers likely. You can never have too many Panthers.
BF: Is there a particular points and mission combo that you are really looking forward to seeing?
EW: Not really. I naturally focus on the challenges and how to overcome them. At Late War nationals I didn’t face any of the nightmares I had planned for. I got lucky.
BF: How do you think you will perform?
EW: Usually, when I get clobbered I can’t recover well. In Austin, I played the best player in the first round so even though I lost 6-1 it didn’t bother me. Now, since I am ranked the lowest, I am going to play Bill Wilcox in round one.  It will all likely be uphill from there! Mostly, I hope to learn a lot about the game.

Eric's Panzer Lehr at the US Masters