Flames of War


Operation "Achilles" (DT072)

Operation "Achilles" (DT072)
As the war grows ever deadlier, soldiers have come to rely on the safety that battlefield fortifications can provide. This box contains rules to deploy bunkers, strongpoints, trenches, and barbed wire to anchor your front line.

This box includes:
■ 1x Operation Achilles campaign book.  ■ 3x hero figures. ■ 2x double sided train station posters (6 squares x 9 squares). ■ 1x card Strongpoint (4 squares). ■ 3x double sided card train wagon / defensive position (2 squares). ■ 3x double sided card barbed wire / defensive position (1 square). ■ 3x farm animal objective models.
Operation "Achilles" (DT072)
Operation "Achilles" (DT072) Operation "Achilles" (DT072)
Operation "Achilles" (DT072) ftp://flamesofwar.com@dl360.flamesofwar.com/Portals/0/all_images/Dust/Campaigns/DT072-01.png
Operation "Achilles" (DT072) Operation "Achilles" (DT072)
Operation "Achilles" (DT072)
Operation "Achilles" (DT072)
Operation "Achilles" (DT072)